Tuesday, June 15, 2010

We Have Been Busy

So we here at Merican Radness have been pretty busy. To show you how busy, we have this picture of a lady with lots of things. They are all dead. but damn who has time to file away that many birds.

But wait there's more! Jake almost rocked a mullet

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Pins are Out of my Hand.

Dr. pulled the pins out of my hand. Just like the picture shows. No knocking me out he just pulled them out like a nail. wriedist thing ever.

This blew my Mind!

Crazy 20 inch dudes.

Rob finally talked me into buying one.

pics up soon.

This Is Are Weekend

This was are weekend Headbans, Hotdogs, And bruises. There was also some keystone light in there somewhere.