This weekend was supposed to be a good un, parties, space fires, and some bicycle racing. Fortunately for the 'Merican Radness crew and surely countless others the race has been cancelled due to trail erosion concerns by the good old Sierra Club. Rest assured that this was more a politically motivated flexing of muscle by some well-to-do "equestrian's", who feel that mountain bikes and mountain biking in general is dangerous, retarded, and most importantly damaging to both the environment & the trails themselves; meanwhile they prance about on 1200lb beasts that defecate wherever they see fit with a smug feel that is unrivaled by even the cockiest of pro-bro's.
My feelings about horses in general were never very good to begin with, most of the ones I've seen seem to be about as fun to ride as a 2x4. Now don't get me wrong horses had their day but they ended up being replaced by technology and for a time were free to roam about the grasslands of middle america defecating wherever they please without issue. Then one day a man decided he was sick of everything else and he was rich, he wanted what all 'Mericans want: something no one else had... That man wanted a horse, so he got one. Then other well-to-do former sh!t kicking cowboys see this mans horse and want one of their own, eventually it became a sort of status symbol for the former cowboy crowd.
The Sierra Club operates on much the same principle with hands in the pockets of both local state and federal legislature the deep pockets of their members finance ridiculous fights such as this, instead of saving virgin forests from being clear cut they instead insist on winning small battles. Genius thinking I'm sure you will agree. The Sierra Club is basically the Mike Vandeman of environmental organizations. Hell bent on keeping bikes out no matter the cost... My feelings on horses now lie somewhere between here and here.
Nicky B
I'd never heard of this Mike Vandeman character. I hate him.