Take that as you will but any way that I see it, its awkward. Before a few days ago I didn't really have any problem with it. To each his own and all that but then something strange happened, in an obviously 'Merican showing of patriotism I laughed at the offer of riding the outdated and overpriced peaches from north of the border known as "Rocky Mountain". Obviously any bike designed with skinnies in mind can't win races (Cam Cole, Ben Reid and ROB not withstanding) there is a reason Luke Strobel decided to change bikes for a 4th time in as many seasons and it wasn't cause he liked switchin' it up. Any who none of this really has any relevance until the man in charge of said demo day offered up a challenge (he suddenly feels he is the Sam Hill of Spokaneits a little tough to read but you can do it.) he quip's via Facebook that he can beat any one any where any time so I present a challange, The 1st Annual FaceSpace Canadian Bike Race: Location T.B.D. here's the deal were gonna come up with some sort of prize trophy like a buzzard talon or norwahl tusk, for the winner to hold onto until the following year (bragging rights included) no classes, no age groups, fastest time wins. If your not a pusssy put your money where your mouth is and meet the 'Mericans at the Rocky Mountain demo day!
your bikes:
our bikes:
Auto WIN! Anyone that ever tried to do anything sweet on a Rocky Mountain ended up in "Out There" magazine rambling about the future of "ladders and skinnies" why don't you ramble about the future of print media while your at it. They're one in the same.
I'm out.
Nicky B
so is this a "fastest on the borrowed bike" or "destroy the Shitty Canadian bikes time"..?
ReplyDeleteEither way I am bring my Mongoose to this throw down..
Fastest on whatever you want! Notice I'm not anti-Canadian as I have a picture of Steve Smith on there. I just like my bikes fast and I'm proud of my dang ole stars and bars heritage tell you what.
ReplyDeleteNicky B
Also, purchased lots of tape a water cooler and number plates moments ago, going to scout potential race venues at the moment, details to follow.