Monday, November 1, 2010
Jake wins
Jake may have not been able to stay on his bike due to his blindingly fast speed but he still got the overall in Jr. Expert, good job boy and stay away from those faggot jabronis, and also watchout for bananas with no pants on.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Monster Truck.
So since the Camaro isn't lifted like every other one of robs vehicles, we found this sweet monster truck. Its pretty rad but jessica did just get new wheels for her Avalanche.......Which is tuffer. you will have to decide.
(Monster Truck picture was bought to our attention from are friend Michael Smith, Thanks Michael.)
(Monster Truck picture was bought to our attention from are friend Michael Smith, Thanks Michael.)
Here is a video of the Redbull 5000 Down. Rob, Jessica and I where just up in the great white north just a weeks time before this event went down. Its wasn't muddy or snowing. Merican Radness will most likely have to partake in this amazing race next year, it looks like to much fun to never go to a mass start DH race. Rob would kill it.
BMX Clip of the Week!
TEAM CHOCOLATE CHIP from Dan Dwyre on Vimeo.
BMX Clip of the Week!
TEAM CHOCOLATE CHIP from Dan Dwyre on Vimeo.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Going Faggot.
So over the weekend Rob, Jake and myself went down to moscow for some downhill riding. During which time Rob and myself learned that jake was going faggot on us. The Quote from the weekend was "I shut down that berm just like the Gay Bar Last night!"
I dont know what else to say...
He's not off the team but going to have to place well at the next events and meeting with the head guys here at MR..
till then here is this.....
I dont know what else to say...
He's not off the team but going to have to place well at the next events and meeting with the head guys here at MR..
till then here is this.....
Monday, September 13, 2010

2010 has been a dominator for the mainstays of 'Merican Radness Rob, Woms, Jake, and Jessica have all been flying the flag from Whistler to Hood keepin' it real the whole time cheers dudes, but a let down for myself. Without getting into specifics its time for me to focus on 2011 things happen in life it turns out, ask Sam Hill (congrats on coming back from a nasty injury to straight destroy everyone on a classic course), a 24" is being setup for some BMX race action a fork may finally get ordered for a neglected beauty of a cycle and the skis are gettin' dusted off, a custom 'Merican Radness Blog topsheet may be in order. A new team roster is in order, free agent Sean "Fully Pinned" Murphy, if you don't know who this is you'll find out. Facespace Race will happen you'll get the details if you deserve them. Let's get one thing straight, my retirement is far into the sunset yet but some of the bro-van-bro-downs involved in this here sport get a guy down from time to time, there is certainly more to life than a cycle. Every now and again you need to take a step back and figure out what is really important. Next year will see the return of the fire and who knows there is still a race or two left and an unused license in my possession... Keep gettin loose out there fellas (and lady) and if you're on the Radness crew consider yourself lucky, it aint comin' easy to any one, everyone here has earned it if you "sit on trannies", or Tag wheels you aint rollin with Radness. Without gettin too touchy feely I'll leave you with a little nugget.
Nicky B
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Vai Di Sole = Mans course
Marc Beaumont won somehow, he hasn't won a race since that one in Vigo back in 06 or 07 but now he and the nation of Great Britain are winning at life 'Mericans need to step up the game, Gwin show everyone whatsup with Merica at the World Champs, mans course Stars And Bars and a win what more could a Merican ask for? Kick ass video courtesy of Dirt TV. That's all I got, oh yeah I'm a dumbass for selling my fork before I had another one in my paws; I've done a lot of that this year, you'd think I'd learn. Oh well 2011 Fox40RC2 with that fancy pants Kashima coat should be here by the end of the month.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Things that are awesome

Now you might be thinking to yourself either " how on earth do you come across such a terrible picture" or "I'm only 17 and bikes and boobies r awesome!!11!!1" thankfully, their are answers unfortunately the bike in question is probably Canadian and certainly designed for riding skinnies, Peter if you're reading this, this bike has your name on it. Lets break it down shall we? Yes, yes we shall. Shiver, 3" rise bars with stupid useless moto inspired brace to get your elbones way up there for the sweet skinnies your gonna be riding, sweet 2" thick platform pedals cause bikes don't reach 55lbs with ease they are most likely connected to old school BMX cranks with a titanium spindle bro and an original MRP chain guide. I wish the photo had more detail so I could go into what is certainly the heaviest most retarded wheel/tire combo ever devised behold the Sun Rims Double Track and Nokian Gazzalodian 3.0" tire ahh those were the days. To round out the skinny riding combo dude was sure to include the Azonic Love Seat so big its constantly in the way and looks like it was designed by a blind person. The saving grace for the photo is the chick which begs the question, who on earth had the money to pay this chick to pose next to said skinny bike. We all know the last person to make any money riding skinnies was Richie Schley and even he has seen the light recently (sorta). Whatever the case may be I'm glad that Spokane is 10 years behind the times on "the scene". Instead we have to rely on dudes like Peter and Alec, who although in it for the right reasons, don't have the best grip on what needs to happen... Case in point, when asked about building a new DH trail I got the endless barrage of this, this, this, and this have to be done before we can clean up trash and do an environmental impact survey. Awesome. I don't really know what brought this post about, I just happened across it in between looking at boobies or radness like this:
and it reminded me of an important conversation I had with team Captain and all around dude Woms the other day. Recently I made the mistake of selling my fork without having another one lined up, that being said I was checking out my options and somehow in my delusional and other wise mentally incapacitated state I thought it a good idea to go with upside down forks instead of the tried and proven World Cup winning Kashima coated beauty that is the 2011 Fox 40. He quickly reminded me of why he had magic in his fingers, although rad; not by choice. Upside down forks don't win races, next if I'm not careful I'm gonna be caught up on the racecourse listening to Nickelback without a care in the world. Thanks for talking some sense into me buddy, and if anyone was wondering: if you buy an upside down fork, you're off the team.
Your Public Servant and helpful bike decision maker,
Nicky B
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Take that as you will but any way that I see it, its awkward. Before a few days ago I didn't really have any problem with it. To each his own and all that but then something strange happened, in an obviously 'Merican showing of patriotism I laughed at the offer of riding the outdated and overpriced peaches from north of the border known as "Rocky Mountain". Obviously any bike designed with skinnies in mind can't win races (Cam Cole, Ben Reid and ROB not withstanding) there is a reason Luke Strobel decided to change bikes for a 4th time in as many seasons and it wasn't cause he liked switchin' it up. Any who none of this really has any relevance until the man in charge of said demo day offered up a challenge (he suddenly feels he is the Sam Hill of Spokaneits a little tough to read but you can do it.) he quip's via Facebook that he can beat any one any where any time so I present a challange, The 1st Annual FaceSpace Canadian Bike Race: Location T.B.D. here's the deal were gonna come up with some sort of prize trophy like a buzzard talon or norwahl tusk, for the winner to hold onto until the following year (bragging rights included) no classes, no age groups, fastest time wins. If your not a pusssy put your money where your mouth is and meet the 'Mericans at the Rocky Mountain demo day!
your bikes:
our bikes:
Auto WIN! Anyone that ever tried to do anything sweet on a Rocky Mountain ended up in "Out There" magazine rambling about the future of "ladders and skinnies" why don't you ramble about the future of print media while your at it. They're one in the same.
I'm out.
Nicky B
Monday, August 2, 2010
So some shit happened last week. Here is the re-cap
1. Race got canceled, I still cant win cat 2 ( the nice name for sport)
2. Tried to "skid" a trail under a chairlift on a ski run while chris watched us go OTB
3. Jake got served a beer and didnt touch it. I raised that boy right.
4. Raced myself to get a beer with wams.
5. Sorry about the helmet and laughter nick
Thanks for being Merican,
1. Race got canceled, I still cant win cat 2 ( the nice name for sport)
2. Tried to "skid" a trail under a chairlift on a ski run while chris watched us go OTB
3. Jake got served a beer and didnt touch it. I raised that boy right.
4. Raced myself to get a beer with wams.
5. Sorry about the helmet and laughter nick
Thanks for being Merican,
Pretty sure this is in Canada.
I read the new Out There newspaper thing today. They had a interview with Peter from the Fat Tire Trail Riders. In the interview he talks about his 4 year old clapped out enduro and how he loves to build skinny's. So i found this video.
This Video = How I feel about - The Fat Tire Trail Riders - Skinnys on Beacon and Skinnys everywhere else.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Amateur hour.
After a recent super digger I decided to purchase myself an unshiny new helmet that wasn't covered in flames and tribal artwork or cartoon beer drinking caricatures. I decided on a matte black TLD D2 I know I shoulda waited and gotten a 2011 D3 but I needed one and aside from Woms and J.T.'s designs the all black was the only goodun left so I got it. I managed to get a full day at Silver in it without incident when what was bound to happen, happened, early in the a.m whilst loading the bike I dropped it on the asphalt driveway; this pretty much set the tone for what would happen next. A short while later after 1 lackluster run disaster struck, when trying to execute a crucial stand up to sit down maneuver
I managed to kick my poor helmet from its prideful but prone position a top a saddle to the fast moving roadway below. I immediately ran to fetch it and on my way back the first thing I hear was Woms trying to make me feel better by yelling "Amateur Hour" it didn't work then and I got all pissy pants but now I have a sweet new nickname for my helmet and that's something you don't get when you take it out of the box, so for that I thank you! Also, Rob was on a mission to destroy shit and was racing even though there wasn't a race. Cat 2 kids better watch out someone's gunnin' for you and its as 'merican as apple pie and Abe Lincoln put together.
Thats all I got.
Nicky B
Thursday, July 29, 2010

This weekend was supposed to be a good un, parties, space fires, and some bicycle racing. Fortunately for the 'Merican Radness crew and surely countless others the race has been cancelled due to trail erosion concerns by the good old Sierra Club. Rest assured that this was more a politically motivated flexing of muscle by some well-to-do "equestrian's", who feel that mountain bikes and mountain biking in general is dangerous, retarded, and most importantly damaging to both the environment & the trails themselves; meanwhile they prance about on 1200lb beasts that defecate wherever they see fit with a smug feel that is unrivaled by even the cockiest of pro-bro's.
My feelings about horses in general were never very good to begin with, most of the ones I've seen seem to be about as fun to ride as a 2x4. Now don't get me wrong horses had their day but they ended up being replaced by technology and for a time were free to roam about the grasslands of middle america defecating wherever they please without issue. Then one day a man decided he was sick of everything else and he was rich, he wanted what all 'Mericans want: something no one else had... That man wanted a horse, so he got one. Then other well-to-do former sh!t kicking cowboys see this mans horse and want one of their own, eventually it became a sort of status symbol for the former cowboy crowd.
The Sierra Club operates on much the same principle with hands in the pockets of both local state and federal legislature the deep pockets of their members finance ridiculous fights such as this, instead of saving virgin forests from being clear cut they instead insist on winning small battles. Genius thinking I'm sure you will agree. The Sierra Club is basically the Mike Vandeman of environmental organizations. Hell bent on keeping bikes out no matter the cost... My feelings on horses now lie somewhere between here and here.
Nicky B
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
And you thought 10 Speed MTN bikes where so 2010. try 1982. I think it might be a B&M shifter on that thing, which is Super tuff. Merican! Nuff said.

I have no idea Why there is a arrow pointing to the kids crotch thats says "special purpose". I guess he is trying to get wild. This kid must of been a lady killer with that bike.

I have no idea Why there is a arrow pointing to the kids crotch thats says "special purpose". I guess he is trying to get wild. This kid must of been a lady killer with that bike.

Man Down
US National Chammps has a rad course. Big jumps, whoops and Real fast sections. Here are some videos.
This past weekend at the U.S. National Championships in Sol Vista, CO ODI X-Fusion team rider Sean “Griz” McClendon had a huge crash in his DH race run. Anyone who has seen Allout knows how Rad this guy gets. His part is sick. No fun to see people crash.
Luke also got a little to rad
2010 U.S. National Championship DH Finals - More Mountain Bike Videos
Griz DH Crash! from J.D. Swanguen on Vimeo.
This past weekend at the U.S. National Championships in Sol Vista, CO ODI X-Fusion team rider Sean “Griz” McClendon had a huge crash in his DH race run. Anyone who has seen Allout knows how Rad this guy gets. His part is sick. No fun to see people crash.
Luke also got a little to rad

Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Monday, July 5, 2010
'Merica, hallelujah.
Yesterday was Mericas birthday, this is not a day to be taken lightly at Merican Radness. The breakdown goes like this, early morning riding, early afternoon flesh searing, beer drinking, parking garage pedalling, lame fireworks watching it clearly doesn't get much better unless you're one of these guys,
Wom's will be in later with a photographic smorgasbord of treats to feed you.
Nicky B
Wom's will be in later with a photographic smorgasbord of treats to feed you.
Nicky B
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
We Have Been Busy
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Pins are Out of my Hand.
This Is Are Weekend
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Burnout Tees!
Get them while there hot! And they will be hot for a while. See that Camaro on it, Its Rob's, And He's in the drivers seat. And he loves to keep them wheels spinning.
I would go as far as saying these tees are as hot as the tires on that Camaro.
(little secret about that picture of the Camaro on the shirt is that rob is drinking a 40oz pabst while doing it. and it was on the 4th of july. and jessica was lighting off m80's. And he didnt stop till a piston flew out of the hood..... well ok, a piston didnt come out the hood but the rest of it was ture. Yeah its a pretty damn Merican burnout picture. thats why it got on a tee shirt, So that wonderful 4th of july day will be remembered forever.)
Friday, May 14, 2010

While most people would like to think this is a really good american tatoo idea, It just isnt Merican.
Let me break it down.
The Good.
1. The eagle is Rad
2. The eagle is ripping thru shit. Also Rad
3. The eagle is staring the viewer in the face, looking like it is about to attack. Pretty damn Rad.
The Bad.
1. The drawing is not good quality
2. The flag is not the Merican Radness Flag, which is a good thing cause if it was the eagle wouldnt be ripping thru it. He would be flying with it to glory.
3. Its a confederate flag........The bad part about that is the south lost damn it! and Merican Radness Doesnt Lose.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Gwin is Merican
Yeti Cycles Rider Bio: Aaron Gwin from John Reynolds on Vimeo.
This is Rad. Had to share. Dont hate on trail bikes. I want to ride pine valley now. Whos in for a cali trip sometime.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
More Armrests.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
Merican Radness shuttle vehicle
Let me ask you a question. Have you ever seen a Better, More Merican way to haul you bikes? I dont think so. Why buy a Thule T2 for $33675.99 when you could own this for only just $499, you must provide the flatbed. But who doesnt own a Flatbed?! Only available in the "These colors dont run" paint scheme. But please allow 4 to 8 weeks for delivery. Dont own just any rack own the rack that shows you are Merican!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Merican Radness Vs. Pro GRT Stop #1
This last weekend team memebrs Jake and myself went over to race the first stop of the Pro GRT series and it was one hell of a race.
I Got Broke...
As you can see Guy with Upside down forks must of been to busy listening to Nickleback on his walkman or something because he sure didn't pull over when i asked to get by 6 corners ago. There was 30 sec. gaps and i caught you on a 3:00 min. course. Go back to Cat 2.
I would like to Thank Kyle Thomas for being Merican! He yelled at me though a megaphone even when I was crashing. And I would also like to thank Charlie from Team Robot for yelling at mr. upside fork.
Wow dont know what else to say.... I now have 2 broken fingers from my brake lever breaking off and I am off the bike for 6 weeks.
Jake also broke him self off. He gets MRI results back this week.
In good news is a will be behind the wheel of the daytona 257 u-haul so everyone will get to the top in a timely fashion.
that is all i can type with one hand.... I'm out.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Merican Radness would just like to remind everyone that if you where suppose to "lay down" while riding a bike, Bikes would be specd with sheets and a pillow. Also handlebars come flat for a reason why do people love bolting more things to them (armrests, bar ends) Handlebars would come like that if it was actually a good position to ride in.

Good things on this bike are -
XT cranks
Bad things on this bike are -
Carbon forks
Carbon Bottle cage
Road saddle
Its a mountain bike, keep it that way

The same guy also thought his road rides where Rad enough to film by a handlebar mounted camera. I like road riding but i cant ever think of a time when i would love to re-live it on tape. And that camera is going to shake so much, the video should be wonderful.

Good things on this bike are -
XT cranks
Bad things on this bike are -
Carbon forks
Carbon Bottle cage
Road saddle
Its a mountain bike, keep it that way

The same guy also thought his road rides where Rad enough to film by a handlebar mounted camera. I like road riding but i cant ever think of a time when i would love to re-live it on tape. And that camera is going to shake so much, the video should be wonderful.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Armrests VS. ET
In my short racing career I have learned that if you wanna win cat. 2 you have to do more than coast, see I got 3rd two times and 2 x 3 = 6th so I got 6th. Today we are going to explore two popular ways to go faster on the mountain bikes.
1. ET (pedal in the air like Woms)
At first glance ET is pretty rad the flying thru the air and glowing fingers are pretty rad, the downside is the type of people "ETing" attracts

2. Armrests (the Coeur d Alene way)
The armrests create what appears to be a very comfortable yet extremely fast position, known technically as the "lay down position". The downside to the armrests looks to be the attire and lack of safety gear, e.g. mullet, no shirt, no helmet and spandex. To comfortably and safely win a mountain race in the armrest position requires you to be in peak physical condition.

In the end the armrests appear to be the way to go especially because the next race will be in Coeur d Alene so not only will you fit in with the locals but you will be extremely comfortable.
This is the setup to win the Daytona 257

Your armrest specialist and lifetime MR member,
1. ET (pedal in the air like Woms)
At first glance ET is pretty rad the flying thru the air and glowing fingers are pretty rad, the downside is the type of people "ETing" attracts

2. Armrests (the Coeur d Alene way)
The armrests create what appears to be a very comfortable yet extremely fast position, known technically as the "lay down position". The downside to the armrests looks to be the attire and lack of safety gear, e.g. mullet, no shirt, no helmet and spandex. To comfortably and safely win a mountain race in the armrest position requires you to be in peak physical condition.

In the end the armrests appear to be the way to go especially because the next race will be in Coeur d Alene so not only will you fit in with the locals but you will be extremely comfortable.
This is the setup to win the Daytona 257
Your armrest specialist and lifetime MR member,
Friday, April 2, 2010
Merican Radness Doesn't Mess Around!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
These things are Pretty Kickass.
All Out Productions has a trailer out for there new movie. It might have everything that is rad about mountian biking pushed into 1:40. Check it out you wont be mad.
Sram is also giving Shimano a run for there money. Check it -
There is now a Carbon Nomad.

Straitline just released the next best thing in Mountian biking -
Its been a pretty rad week in Mountain Bike land. Hope you guys enjoy!
Sram is also giving Shimano a run for there money. Check it -
There is now a Carbon Nomad.

Straitline just released the next best thing in Mountian biking -
Its been a pretty rad week in Mountain Bike land. Hope you guys enjoy!
Josh and Merican Radness...
We here at Merican Radness have people asking us all the time to be on the team. My email inbox is full of resumes of people who think they can cut it. I also have people asking if this guy named Josh turf-shad from Wheel Sport East is on Merican Radness, so i decide i would just clear it up once and for all...

We took a look at his Riding, Merican-ness, and Radness. They all where at pretty good levels but the problem with Josh is he recently tried turning Left and broke his wrist. This is not something we could over look. We at Merican Radness love left turns, we try to never turn right.....
So to sum it up. No Josh is not on the team. maybe when he learns to turn left he will be but until then we dont want him.
Love Woms and the rest of Merican Radness

We took a look at his Riding, Merican-ness, and Radness. They all where at pretty good levels but the problem with Josh is he recently tried turning Left and broke his wrist. This is not something we could over look. We at Merican Radness love left turns, we try to never turn right.....
So to sum it up. No Josh is not on the team. maybe when he learns to turn left he will be but until then we dont want him.
Love Woms and the rest of Merican Radness
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Beacon Double Down Hoe Down Wrap up.
It was a checkers or wreckers weekend.

The good news is Rob took a metal both days.
(also bottomed his fork everywhere)(see picture)

Jake Crashed the first day (wreckers) and took 2nd the next (checkers).

I took home the gold on saturday and then proceeded to get awesome and was hung over the next day.
(You want to win you have to air pedal)(Look at my feet)

Overall the weekend was a big success! not mad at all. ......... this guy is

The good news is Rob took a metal both days.
(also bottomed his fork everywhere)(see picture)

Jake Crashed the first day (wreckers) and took 2nd the next (checkers).

I took home the gold on saturday and then proceeded to get awesome and was hung over the next day.
(You want to win you have to air pedal)(Look at my feet)

Overall the weekend was a big success! not mad at all. ......... this guy is

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